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Expected growth of chennai in 2030

“Buildings in Chennai expected to grow about 1.5 times by 2030”

The Tamil Nadu Department of Environment, Climate Change and Forests, along with the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), held a ‘Workshop On Energy-Efficient Habitats’ on Friday.

At the event, IIHS Director Aromar Revi, in his presentation, citing the ‘India Report-Chennai 2030’, said Chennai’s building stock – the total number of buildings or structures – is expected to grow about 1.5 times by 2030. The building stock may increase from 246 million square feet of residential, office, industrial and retail buildings in 2022 to 380 million square feet by 2030.

Breathe Clean: How Green Buildings Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The Tamil Nadu government has also taken steps to promote green buildings, including:
  • Creating rules for residential building self-certification
  • Planning to link new building approval to compliance with energy conservation building code 
The state housing and urban development department has also increased the maximum permissible height of buildings in Chennai.